May 3-4, 2025 PRO-1 Swiftwater Rescue Training (Staff Only)


May 3-4, 2025 PRO-1 Swiftwater Rescue Training (Staff Only)


This is a private course for Triad guides only. To find a public course please click here.


Meeting location: Triad River Tours’ caboose. 60076 WA Hwy 20, Marblemount, WA 98267

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This course is designed as the PRO entry-level course for those requiring certification for any type of employment. This is open to recreational river users wishing to train on the pro track, but is a much faster pace of training designed for professional guides. You must enter this course with intermediate to advanced knowledge on river flow mechanics, river swimming, river running fundamentals and a sound understanding of river vocabulary terms. The popular REC-I courses are suitable for a large range of experience levels from beginner to advanced, and taught at a more digestible speed for newer river runners. If you don't have prior swiftwater training, you should consider a REC-I course if you don't require certification for employment. A practical examination will be given on morning one and all students must be proficient in order to advance in the course. Space is limited to 16 students and will be taught by SSI lead instructor, Luke Baugh. Class fills up fast, so register early!

WHO THIS IS FOR: Professionals or those wishing to engage in the PRO track; Eg, Commercial river guides, SAR members, technical rescue team members, or others wanting to pursue the Professional track.


COURSE FORMAT: 2 day PRO-I course with 2 hours of online training prior to start date. 8 hours each day of in-field training. Total class length: 18hrs.

WHEN: May 3-4, 2025

WHERE: Marblemount, WA

FIELD SITE: Skagit and/or Sauk River(s)

PREREQUISITES: 1. Proficient swimmer 2. Physically capable 3. Desire to learn 4. Pass online training with a minimum 80% 5. All of the necessary PPE 6. Meet all Essential Eligibility Criteria

GEAR FOR THIS COURSE: The welcome packet details the gear you will need for this course. As an SSI student, you get access to student pricing in the SSI Gear Shop! Once you register you’ll have access to the shop through your SSI account. Drysuits are required.

ABOUT THIS COURSE: The PRO-I is a professional level swiftwater rescue course designed for those requiring certification as a term of employment in a professional capacity. This swiftwater course teaches rescue techniques with regard to limited resources in a variety of river settings. The PRO-I course meets the needs of professional river guides as well as USFS, NPS, Search and Rescue teams, Field Biologists and BLM employees. Additionally, this course is open to recreational river users wishing to train on the PRO track and have access to the PRO-II course not accessible through the REC track. The PRO-I course focus is on personal safety, decision making, risk management and complex problem solving with other team members having limited rescue resources and communication with outside parties. This course is designed to meet varying student skill levels, and everyone from professional guides to seasonal contractors will benefit from the rescue techniques and concepts covered in this course. Self rescue and hazard avoidance and recognition are key components in this swiftwater course.