River Equipment Rentals

To schedule a rental please call 360-510-1243 and/or fill out the rental request form at the bottom of this page.

Please arrange a pickup time and place with our office.

We will ship your rental to you (ideal for packrafts), if you pay the shipping, handling fee (boxes, etc.) and insurance.

We will deliver it to you during the week, with advanced notice. Our delivery/pickup rate is $1.50 per mile from Marblemount, Washington.

Packrafts Rentals

Rental Item Price: $85 per day

Comes with:

  • (1) 4 piece paddle (Aquabound Shred or similar)

  • 1 PFDs (Type 5 NRS Big Water or similar)

  • 1 Helmet

  • NRS Throw bag (75’ NRS compact throw bag or similar)

  • Packraft inflation bag

Option #1:
Alpacka Gnarwhal Self Bailing Packraft
Sizes: Large, X-Large

Option #2:
Alpacka Valkyrie w/ Whitewater Deck
Sizes: Medium, Large

Notes: Experienced paddlers only (just take the Gnarwhal hot shot!).

Please fill out this form to rent equipment from Triad River Tours

Triad River Tours rental guidelines:

  • Rental applicants must have enough skill to operate watercraft.

  • Rental applicants must have a definable articulable plan for where they are going.

  • Rental applicants cannot be under the influence of drugs or alcohol at any time while using Triad River Tours rental equipment.

  • Rental applicants may be denied equipment on site, or at any time during rental period if Triad River Tours feels that they have for any reason utilized the equipment in a manner that is not up to our stringent safety standards.

  • You must provide a valid state issued ID (sorry no international rentals) at time of pickup.

  • You are responsible for all repairs, as well as shipping, handling, in case of damage.

  • You are responsible for replacement in case of equipment loss.

  • A hold for 50% of equipment value may be placed on your credit card during rental (hold will be removed once returned in similar condition).