Covid-19 Operation Protocol

Triad River Tours

Covid-19 Protocol | Version 1.2


Triad River Tours' minimalist style, leave no trace whitewater river rafting safety protocols are designed with two goals in mind; to protect human life, and to protect the environment. During the Covid-19 epidemic we are required to operate under additional safety guidelines (click here to watch a quick video). Our Covid-19 safety guidelines have been adopted through collaborative efforts with several organizations and the following standards:



Perhaps the most important message of our Covid-19 operating plan is that our primary responsibility remains to operate a whitewater river rafting trip as safely as possible, and focusing on operating just as we have, with our guests safety in mind, as well as the leave no trace ethics we have always utilized. We have found that during Covid-19 our operations need be enhanced but not overhauled, as many leave no trace and swiftwater rescue procedures are consistent with the prevention of viral spread. We also understand that nothing is without risk, and as risk management professionals, we realize that no system will be perfect in its capacity to limit possible transmission of Covid-19. While there is no way of guaranteeing that our guests will not be infected with Covid-19 while rafting with us, we will try to mitigate the risk through additional preventative safety measures:


  1. Equipment is now being cleaned with a EPA approved disinfectant such as Simple Green Pro5 or another product available to us from the approved list of disinfectants.

  2. Our staff and customers will be required to wear a face covering. All customers are encouraged to bring their own face covering, and if a customer arrives without a face covering, they will be provided with a basic, single use, disposable surgical mask. Notes: 1. Triad will not be providing N95 or reusable masks. 2. According to the CDC, a face covering is not advised during watersport activities due to drowning risks, therefore, once on the river, a guide may choose to allow guests to remove their masks while in a position for possible splash or submersion.

  3. Additional hand washing kits will be kept by each guide on the river. These kits will use biodegradable soap, and can be accessed by rafters on rafts (while not in danger). Notes: Guides may also provide instant hand sanitizer as is desired.

  4. Operate trips at reduced capacity, utilizing social distancing procedures, and avoid unnecessary congregating in large groups.

  5. Adopt a more lenient cancellation and reschedule policy to allow guests who are feeling ill or running a temperature to reschedule for a later date as well as give guides more authority to cancel or reschedule a trip when conditions are not perfect, when facilities are overcrowded or unsanitary, or when public access to the river requires added risk of Covid-19 exposure.

  6. Utilize health, body temperature, and symptom tracking procedures for all staff members and guides to prevent a staff member from coming to work while symptomatic.


The staff of Triad River Tours has tirelessly prepared to operate cautiously and preventatively under these difficult circumstances. Please, if you have any questions about our Covid-19 operating plan please reference our website, email us, or give us a call at 360-510-1243.


Staff of Triad River Tours 


Additional Works Cited, Links, & References


Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


World Health Organization (WHO)


OSHA Risk Levels


EPA Approved Disinfecting Solutions cov-2


IOGA Covid-19 Workbook (confidential)


Washington Safe Start Plan


CBIZ Covid-19 Compliance Roadmap


Washington L&I “Which Mask for Which Task”


Governor Jay Inslee’s Proclamation for Outdoor Recreation


Governor Jay Inslee’s Additional Guidance for Outdoor Recreation during Phase 1 and Phase 2


Outdoor Recreation Guides and Tours Working Group (of which we are a lead member)

Update June 20, 2020

A question we get asked often is; "are we required to wear masks?". The short answer; YES. However, the CDC has stated that during water sports, face covers may increase risk. We have tested this hypothesis and have found it to be accurate. While our guides may choose to keep their face cover on at all times, our guests may opt to remove them when they feel inclined to do so, or feel that the face cover is an added risk. We have tried various types of face covers and generally feel that bringing your own is best, but we provide a complimentary surgical mask or face cover called a buff, with a design tested by the guides. The buff can be worn over the face while on the bus ride, but it can be removed easily before entering rapids by simply lowering it so you can breathe freely. Legally, Triad River Tours is a contractor with the federal government, and we are contractually obligated to follow all local, state, and federal guidelines. Further, we have an ethical obligation to care for our guests, who are like family to us while on the river. When on the river we follow simple rules, one of them is what we call the "least common denominator" rule. This means that regardless of experience and ability levels, every rafting trip is catered (behind the scenes, at times) to the person who is the least capable, or the most vulnerable. This rule serves us, for example, when a group of 6 people wants to go rafting and 5 of them are good swimmers with experience, and one of them is a beginner who is afraid and cannot swim. The entire group, from our perspective, moves to the position of the person who is most vulnerable. By following this rule of LCD, we find that it is simple for us to adapt to Covid-19 by looking out for those who are the most vulnerable, and run trips with those people in mind. Therefore, the long answer is that we look at legal standards to be the bare minimum, and a platform to build a safety system upon. We feel that our Covid-19 protocol exceeds these standards, and works to provide our guests with an experience they will never forget, and peace of mind that allows them to embrace the time they have on the river.

Letter from Triad April 10, 2020

Hello good friends and members of the community,

Over the last few months we have seen a transformation in our industry like no other. While this is a sad state of affairs right now, we are looking forward to being on top of the situation, and on top of our rafts (PUN!). Triad River Tours is an industry leader in providing whitewater rafting trips designed specifically with the Seattle area resident in mind. We have never sought profits over people, and as a result we have taken on many challenges as a company, from the drought in 2015, the Sauk tree falls of 2019, and the Oso land slides on the Stillaguamish. We have found success in mitigating dangerous situations through meticulous study, training, and preparation, and those same techniques are how we will see through the Covid-19 epidemic.

When the first Covid-19 death in the US was announced right in the center of our community, we were caught off guard, our hearts staggered. But soon it was time to regain our composure and assess the potential risk of the situation. Bookings (remember we are Seattle-centric all the way) were non-existent for a month, which was actually helpful for us as it gave us time to gather information. Luckily, we already have a system of developing safety protocols that involves our highly trained professional staff, EMTs, and members of the international guiding community, as well as numerous consultants. We also worked with non-profit organizations such as American Whitewater, America Outdoors Association, and CBIZ, to gather as much information about this new risk factor as we could. We looked to guidance from our local universities (we are so lucky to have UW and WWU), Small Business Development Centers, and other outfitters and guides around the world. Just like running the river, we “scout when in doubt”.

At this time we ask you to continue booking your trips with the awareness that we will follow our Covid-19 protocol meticulously. We ask you to read through the new cancellation policy, and send us an email or call with any questions. You will not be taken advantage of in this situation, and we fully plan to get you on the river if at all possible. We want you to be aware also that just because the State of Washington has opened for recreation, that does not mean guide companies are operating again. Further, we must operate under a third party audited safety protocol approved through federal jurisdiction (USFS, NPS, etc.) in addition to all State guidelines. Believe us, we want to be on the river, but please be patient while our staff prioritizes the development of our Covid-19 whitewater rafting protocol, from the planning and research phase (April-May) to the expected preparation, resource gathering, and practicing stage (est. May), to the repetitive procedural practice of the our new systems to having guests on the river with us. We want to ensure the highest quality experience for our guests as possible, under the safest possible conditions.

We understand that nothing is perfect in this situation, and sacrifices must be made. We expect many changes to occur to our operational protocol, many of which will increase our costs substantially. Like many outdoor recreation guiding companies, our primary costs are payroll and equipment. To be candid, we are not seeking to profit in 2020. It is, however, our goal to employ our guides at a reasonable wage given this situation, and seek to provide experiences for our guests that give them much needed connection with nature. Our philosophy remains the same; protect human life, protect the environment, and seek to maximize the potential at every turn of the river through the engagement of people and the natural environment. Our creed is our guide, and we will use it through this situation.

We have utilized our safety protocol development process, and the guidance of independent consultants, for decades, and it has kept us away from unnecessary risk in many situations. We will follow this stringent procedure now as we seek to go whitewater river rafting amidst Covid-19. Our staff thanks you for your business and consideration, and we as always seek to earn your trust through our diligence in preparation and performance on the river. This is our profession, and you are our guests; we take this commitment to you seriously.

In an effort to be as transparent as possible, we have listed below the 3 phase plan that Triad implemented in March (Governor Inslee must have copied us!). We are currently in Phase 2 of our plan. We look forward to serving you on the river, just as always. Take care good friends, of yourselves, and each other.


Luke Baugh, Office Manager

Joshua Larsen, Operations Manager

And the entire staff and family of Triad River Tours